
You can find the syllabus for every Graduate course offered by the Electrical Engineering Department on the EE Google Drive. For most classes, a PDF copy of each section’s syllabus is available for you to download.

Visit the EE Google Drive to find and download course syllabi.


To learn about course descriptions, prerequisites, and other specific information about classes, please refer to the Course Description catalog and find the class you want to see.

Any course that is not listed under "Core Courses", "Project and Thesis Courses", or "Special Purposes Courses" counts as an elective course.

Table of Contents:

Core Courses

All MSEE students must select two core courses from the available four classes: EE 210, EE 221, EE 250, and EE 275. Core courses that are not used to satisfy core course requirements can be taken as elective courses.

Project/Thesis Courses

All MSEE students are required to take EE 297A or EE 299A AND EE 297B or EE 299B.

Special Purposes Courses

All MSEE students must take either EE 295 or ENGR 200W to satisfy the GWAR requirement. The EE department will not substitute the GWAR requirement by any other means.

EE 298, EE 298i, and EE 1290R course units do not count toward the units required for the degree.

Note: Any course that is not listed under "Core Courses", "Project and Thesis Courses", or "Special Purposes Courses" counts as an elective course.

Analog Electronics, Integrated Circuits

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Communications, Signal Processing, Remote Sensing

Control, Robotics, Autonomous Systems

Device Physics, Micro and Nano Electronics

Digital Systems, Microprocessors and Computers, Embedded Systems

Network, Network Security, Mobile Network, loT

Power Electronics, Energy Systems

Quantum Information and Quantum Computer

Electrical Engineering