Physical Therapy Practice Act

The laws and regulations listed on this website are not to be considered the official authority on the current law. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this information, for legal purposes the law should be obtained from the Kansas statute books and the regulations from the Kansas Secretary of State's Administrative Regulations.

As used in article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto:

  1. "Physical therapy" means examining, evaluating and testing individuals with mechanical, anatomical, physiological and developmental impairments, functional limitations and disabilities or other health and movement-related conditions in order to determine a diagnosis solely for physical therapy, prognosis, plan of therapeutic intervention and to assess the ongoing effects of physical therapy intervention. Physical therapy also includes alleviating impairments, functional limitations and disabilities by designing, implementing and modifying therapeutic interventions that may include, but are not limited to, therapeutic exercise; functional training in community or work integration or reintegration; manual therapy; therapeutic massage; prescription, application and, as appropriate, fabrication of assistive, adaptive, orthotic, prosthetic, protective and supportive devices and equipment; airway clearance techniques; integumentary protection and repair techniques; debridement and wound care; physical agents or modalities; mechanical and electrotherapeutic modalities; patient-related instruction; reducing the risk of injury, impairments, functional limitations and disability, including the promotion and maintenance of fitness, health and quality of life in all age populations and engaging in administration, consultation, education and research. Physical therapy also includes the care and services provided by a physical therapist or a physical therapist assistant under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist who is licensed pursuant to article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto. Physical therapy does not include the use of roentgen rays and radium for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, the use of electricity for surgical purposes, including cauterization, the practice of any branch of the healing arts and the making of a medical diagnosis.
  2. "Physical therapist" means a person who is licensed to practice physical therapy pursuant to article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto. Any person who successfully meets the requirements of K.S.A. 65-2906, and amendments thereto, shall be known and designated as a physical therapist and may designate or describe oneself, as appropriate, as a physical therapist, physiotherapist, licensed physical therapist, doctor of physical therapy, abbreviations thereof, or words similar thereto or use of the designated letters P.T., Ph. T., M.P.T., D.P.T. or L.P.T. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit physical therapists licensed under K.S.A. 2011 Supp. 65-2906 and 65-2909, and amendments thereto, from listing or using in conjunction with their name any letters, words, abbreviations or other insignia to designate any educational degrees, certifications or credentials recognized by the board which such licensee has earned. Each licensee when using the letters or term "Dr." or "Doctor" in conjunction with such licensee's professional practice, whether in any written or oral communication, shall identify oneself as a "physical therapist" or "doctor of physical therapy."
  3. "Physical therapist assistant" means a person who is certified pursuant to article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, and who works under the direction of a physical therapist, and who assists the physical therapist in selected components of physical therapy intervention. Any person who successfully meets the requirements of K.S.A. 65-2906, and amendments thereto, shall be known and designated as a physical therapist assistant, and may designate or describe oneself as a physical therapist assistant, certified physical therapist assistant, abbreviations thereof, or words similar thereto or use of the designated letters P.T.A., C.P.T.A. or P.T. Asst. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit physical therapist assistants certified under K.S.A. 2011 Supp. 65-2906 and 65-2909, and amendments thereto, from listing or using in conjunction with their name any letters, words, abbreviations or other insignia to designate any educational degrees, certifications or credentials which such physical therapist assistant has earned.
  4. "Board" means the state board of healing arts.
  5. "Council" means the physical therapy advisory council.
  6. "Physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery.
  7. "Recognized by the board" means an action taken by the board at an open meeting to recognize letters, words, abbreviations or other insignia to designate any educational degrees, certifications or credentials, consistent with the provisions of this act, which a physical therapist may appropriately use to designate or describe oneself and which shall be published in the official minutes of the board.

History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 1; L. 1973, ch. 253, § 1; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 1; L. 1988, ch. 246, § 19; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 1; L. 2004, ch. 61, § 1; L. 2007, ch. 177, § 19; L. 2011, ch. 114, § 19; July 1.

History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 2; Repealed, L. 2003, ch. 128, § 30; April 1, 2004.

65-2903. Physical therapy advisory council; membership; qualifications.

There is hereby created a physical therapy advisory council to assist the board in carrying out the provisions of this law. The council shall consist of five members, citizens and residents of the state of Kansas, three of whom shall be physical therapists, one of whom shall be a physician licensed by the board to practice medicine and surgery and one of whom shall be a member of such board.

History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 3; L. 1973, ch. 253, § 2; L. 1978, ch. 308, § 52; L. 1981, ch. 299, § 50; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 2; L. 1987, ch. 240, § 15; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 2; Apr. 1, 2004.

65-2904. Same; terms; oath.

The council shall be appointed as follows: The board shall appoint one physician licensed to practice medicine and surgery and one member of the board, and the governor shall appoint three physical therapists who are duly licensed physical therapists who have at least three years' experience in physical therapy immediately preceding the appointment and are actively engaged, in this state, in physical therapy. The foregoing appointees shall constitute the council. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the members appointed in accordance with this section shall be appointed for terms of four years and shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualify. Members serving on the examining committee for physical therapy on the effective date of this act shall be members of the council and shall serve on the council until the conclusion of the terms for which they were appointed to the examining committee for physical therapy and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Each member of the council shall take an oath as required by law for state officers. No physical therapist member appointed by the governor shall be appointed for more than two successive four-year terms commencing on or after that date.

History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 4; L. 1973, ch. 253, §3; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 3; L. 1987, ch. 240, § 16; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 3; Apr. 1, 2004.

65-2905. Same; officers; executive director; powers and duties; quorum; records; employees; compensation and expenses.

  1. The physical therapy advisory council provided for in this act shall elect from their members a president and a vice-president, who shall serve for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The executive director of the board shall act as secretary of the council.
  2. The council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the board in matters pertaining to physical therapy. The board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations as may be found necessary for the performance of its duties. As to any matters coming under its jurisdiction, the council while in session may take testimony and any member may administer oaths in the taking of such testimony.
  3. A simple majority of the council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The secretary shall keep a record of all procedures of the council.
  4. The board may appoint and fix the compensation of such employees as may be necessary to assist the council, and the board shall have the power to employ such expert assistance as it may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this act. Members of the council attending meetings of such council, or attending a subcommittee meeting thereof authorized by such council, shall be paid amounts provided in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 75-3223 and amendments thereto.

History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 5; L. 1973, ch. 253, §4; L. 1974, ch. 348, § 28; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 4; L. 1987, ch. 240, § 17; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 4; Apr. 1, 2004.

65-2906. Duties of board; qualifications of applicants; form of application; approval of schools.

  1. The board, with the advice and assistance of the council, shall pass upon the qualifications of all applicants for licensure or certification and duly license or certify those applicants who meet the qualifications established by this act.
  2. An applicant applying for licensure as a physical therapist or for a certificate as a physical therapist assistant shall file a written application on forms provided by the board, showing to the satisfaction of the board that the applicant meets the following requirements:
    1. The applicant is of legal age;
    2. the applicant has successfully completed the academic requirements of an educational program in physical therapy approved by the board which is appropriate for the certification or licensure of the applicant or, if the applicant attended a program not approved by the board, the applicant shall present an evaluation by an entity approved by the board showing that applicant's educational program met the criteria a school must satisfy to be approved by the board;
    3. the applicant has passed an examination required by the board which is appropriate for the certification or licensure of the applicant to test the applicant's knowledge of the basic and clinical sciences relating to physical therapy theory and practice; and
    4. the applicant has paid to the board all applicable fees established under K.S.A. 65-2911 and amendments thereto.

    History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 6; L. 1972, ch. 237, § 1; L. 1973, ch. 253, § 5; L. 1974, ch. 256, § 1; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 5; L. 1983, ch. 213, § 10; L. 1988, ch. 243, § 10; L. 1994, ch. 134, § 1; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 5; Apr. 1, 2004.

    History: L. 1963, ch. 318, §§ 7, 8; L. 1973, ch. 253, §§ 6, 7; L. 1983, ch. 215, §§ 6, 7; Repealed, L. 2003, ch. 128, § 30; April 1, 2004.

    History: L. 1963, ch. 318, §§ 7, 8; L. 1973, ch. 253, §§ 6, 7; L. 1983, ch. 215, §§ 6, 7; Repealed, L. 2003, ch. 128, § 30; April 1, 2004.

    65-2909. Examinations; when not required; fees; temporary permits.

    1. The board may issue a license in physical therapy without examination to an applicant who presents evidence satisfactory to the board of having passed the examination in physical therapy approved by the board or an examination before a lawfully authorized examining board in physical therapy of another state, District of Columbia, territory or foreign country, if the standards for licensure in physical therapy in such other state, district, territory or foreign country are determined by the board to be as high as those of this state. At the time of making such application, the applicant shall pay to the board a fee as prescribed, no part of which shall be returned.
    2. The board may issue a certificate as a physical therapist assistant without examination therein to an applicant who presents evidence satisfactory to the board of having passed an examination as a physical therapist assistant approved by the board or an examination before a lawfully authorized examining board in physical therapy of another state, District of Columbia, territory or foreign country, if the standards for certification in physical therapy in such other state, District of Columbia, territory or foreign country are determined by the board to be as high as those of this state. At the time of making such application, the applicant shall pay to the board a fee as prescribed, no part of which shall be returned.
    3. The board may issue a temporary permit to an applicant for licensure as a physical therapist or an applicant for certification as a physical therapist assistant who applies for a temporary permit on a form provided by the board, who meets the requirements for licensure as a physical therapist or for certification as a physical therapist assistant or who meets all of the requirements for licensure or certification except examination and who pays to the board the temporary permit fee as required under K.S.A. 65-2911 and amendments thereto. Such temporary permit shall expire three months from the date of issue or on the date that the board approves the application for licensure or certification, whichever occurs first. No more than one such temporary permit shall be granted to any one person.

    History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 9; L. 1973, ch. 253, §8; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 8; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 6; Apr. 1, 2004.

    65-2910. Renewal of license or certification; renewal requirements; expiration notice; fees; cancellation; reinstatement; inactive license; exempt license; federally active license.

    1. The license of every licensed physical therapist and the certification of every certified physical therapist assistant shall expire on the date established by rules and regulations of the board which may provide renewal throughout the year on a continuing basis. In each case in which a license or certificate is renewed for a period of time of less than one year, the board may prorate the amount of the fee established under K.S.A. 65-2911 and amendments thereto. The request for renewal shall be on a form provided by the board and shall be accompanied by the renewal fee established under K.S.A. 65-2911 and amendments thereto which shall be paid not later than the expiration date of the license or certificate.
    2. The board shall require every licensed physical therapist or certified physical therapist assistant as a condition of renewal to submit with the application for a renewal evidence of satisfactory completion of a program of continuing education required by the board. The board shall establish the requirements for each such program of continuing education by rules and regulations. In establishing such requirements the board shall consider any existing programs of continuing education currently being offered to licensed physical therapists or certified physical therapist assistants.
    3. At least 30 days before the expiration of the license of a physical therapist or the certificate of a physical therapist assistant, the board shall notify the licensee or certificate holder of the expiration by mail addressed to the licensee's last mailing address as noted upon the office records. If the licensee or certificate holder fails to pay the renewal fee by the date of expiration, the licensee or certificate holder shall be given a second notice that the license or certificate has expired and the license or certificate may be renewed only if the renewal fee and the late renewal fee are received by the board within the thirty-day period following the date of expiration and that, if both fees are not received within the thirty-day period, the license or certificate shall be canceled for failure to renew and shall be reissued only after the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant has been reinstated under subsection (d).
    4. Any licensee or certificate holder who allows the license or certificate to be canceled by failing to renew may be reinstated upon recommendation of the board, upon payment of the reinstatement fee and upon submitting evidence of satisfactory completion of any applicable reeducation and continuing education requirements established by the board. The board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing appropriate reeducation and continuing education requirements for reinstatement of persons whose licenses or certificates have been canceled for failure to renew.
      1. There is hereby created the designation of inactive license. The board is authorized to issue an inactive license to any physical therapist who makes written application for a license as a physical therapist on a form provided by the board and remits the fee established pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2911, and amendments thereto. The board may issue an inactive license only to a person who meets all the requirements for a license to practice as a physical therapist and who does not actively practice as a physical therapist in this state. An inactive license shall not entitle the holder to render professional services as a physical therapist. The provisions of subsections (c) and (d) relating to expiration, renewal and reinstatement of a license shall be applicable to an inactive license issued under this subsection. Each inactive licensee may apply to engage in active practice by providing to the board proof that a policy of professional liability insurance will be maintained in compliance with K.S.A. 2011 Supp. 65-2920, and amendments thereto, and rules and regulations adopted by the board.
      2. For the licensee whose license has been inactive for less than two years, the board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing appropriate continuing education requirements for exempt licensees to become licensed to regularly practice physical therapy within Kansas. Any licensee whose license has been inactive for more than two years may be required to complete such additional testing, training or education as the board may deem necessary to establish the licensee's present ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety.
      1. There is hereby created a designation of exempt license. The board is authorized to issue an exempt license to any licensee who makes written application for such license on a form provided by the board and remits the fee for an exempt license established pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2911, and amendments thereto. The board may issue an exempt license to a person who is not regularly engaged in the practice of physical therapy in Kansas and who does not hold oneself out to the public as being professionally engaged in such practice. An exempt license shall entitle the holder to all privileges attendant to the practice of physical therapy for which such license is issued. Each exempt license may be renewed subject to the provisions of this section. Each exempt licensee shall be subject to all provisions of the physical therapy act, except as otherwise provided in this subsection. The holder of an exempt license shall be required to submit evidence of satisfactory completion of a program of continuing education required by this section. Each exempt licensee may apply for a license to regularly engage in the practice of physical therapy upon filing a written application with the board. The request shall be on a form provided by the board and shall be accompanied by the license fee established pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2911, and amendments thereto.
      2. For the licensee whose license has been exempt for less than two years, the board shall adopt rules and regulations establishing appropriate continuing education requirements for exempt licensees to become licensed to regularly practice physical therapy within Kansas. Any licensee whose license has been exempt for more than two years and who has not been in the active practice of physical therapy or engaged in a formal educational program since the license has been exempt may be required to complete such additional testing, training or education as the board may deem necessary to establish the licensee's present ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety.
      3. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit a person holding an exempt license from serving as a paid employee or unpaid volunteer of:
        1. A local health department as defined by K.S.A. 65-241, and amendments thereto, or
        2. an indigent health care clinic as defined by K.S.A. 75-6102, and amendments thereto.
        1. There is hereby created a designation of federally active license. The board is authorized to issue a federally active license to any licensee who makes written application for such license on a form provided by the board and remits the same fee required for a license established under K.S.A. 65-2911, and amendments thereto. The board may issue a federally active license only to a person who meets all the requirements for a license to practice physical therapy in Kansas and who practices that branch of physical therapy solely in the course of employment or active duty in the United States government or any of its departments, bureaus or agencies. A person issued a federally active license may engage in limited practice outside of the course of federal employment consistent with the scope of practice of exempt licenses under subsection (f), except that the scope of practice of a federally active licensee shall be limited to providing direct patient care services gratuitously or providing supervision, direction or consultation for no compensation except that nothing in this subsection (g)(1) shall prohibit a person licensed to practice physical therapy issued a federally active license from receiving payment for subsistence allowances or actual and necessary expenses incurred in providing such services; and rendering professional services as a charitable health care provider as defined in K.S.A. 75-6102, and amendments thereto.
        2. The provisions of subsections (a), (b), and (d) of this section relating to continuing education, expiration and renewal of a license shall be applicable to a federally active license issued under this subsection.
        3. A person who practices under a federally active license shall not be deemed to be rendering professional service as a physical therapist in this state for the purposes of K.S.A. 2011 Supp. 65-2920, and amendments thereto.

        History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 10; L. 1973, ch. 253,§ 9; L. 1976, ch. 274, § 4; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 9; L. 1992, ch. 253, § 5; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 7; L. 2004, ch. 117, § 18; L. 2010, ch. 126, § 15; July 1.

        65-2911. Rules and regulations; record of proceedings; roster of persons licensed or certified; fee limitations; examination fees; disposition of moneys; healing arts fee fund.

        1. The board may adopt such rules and regulations as necessary to carry out the purposes of this act. The executive director of the board shall keep a record of all proceedings under this act and a roster of all persons licensed or certified under the act. The roster shall show the name, address, date and number of the original license or certificate, and the renewal thereof.
          1. The board shall charge and collect in advance fees provided for in this act as fixed by the board by rules and regulations, subject to the following limitations:
            • Application based upon certificate of prior examination, not more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80
            • Application based on examination, not more than . . .100
            • Exempt license fee, not more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
            • Annual renewal fee, not more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
            • Exempt license renewal fee, not more than . . . . . . . . 70
            • Late renewal fee, not more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
            • Reinstatement fee, not more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
            • Certified copy of license or certificate, not more than . 15
            • Duplicate certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
            • Temporary permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
            • Written verification of license . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
          2. The board shall charge and collect in advance fees for any examination administered by the board under article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, as fixed by the board by rules and regulations in an amount equal to the cost to the board of the examination. If the examination is not administered by the board, the board may require that fees paid for any examination under article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated and acts amendatory of the provisions thereof or supplemental thereto be paid directly to the examination service by the person taking the examination.
          3. The fees fixed by the board by rules and regulations under article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, and in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this act shall continue in effect until different fees are fixed by the board by rules and regulations as provided under this section.

          History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 11; L. 1973, ch. 309,§ 24; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 10; L. 1987, ch. 240, § 18; L. 2001, ch. 5, § 241; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 8; L. 2010, ch. 126, § 16; L. 2011, ch. 53, § 33; July 1.

          65-2912. Grounds for refusal, suspension, revocation or limitation of license or certificate; censure; hearing procedure.

          1. The board may refuse to grant a license to any physical therapist or a certificate to any physical therapist assistant, or may suspend or revoke the license of any licensed physical therapist or certificate of any certified physical therapist assistant, or may limit the license of any licensed physical therapist or certificate of any certified physical therapist assistant or may censure a licensed physical therapist or certified physical therapist assistant for any of the following grounds:
            1. Addiction to or distribution of intoxicating liquors or drugs for other than lawful purposes;
            2. conviction of a felony if the board determines, after investigation, that the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant has not been sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant the public trust;
            3. obtaining or attempting to obtain licensure or certification by fraud or deception;
            4. finding by a court of competent jurisdiction that the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant is a disabled person and has not thereafter been restored to legal capacity;
            5. unprofessional conduct as defined by rules and regulations adopted by the board;
            6. the treatment or attempt to treat ailments or other health conditions of human beings other than by physical therapy and as authorized by this act;
            7. failure to refer patients to other health care providers if symptoms are present for which physical therapy treatment is inadvisable or if symptoms indicate conditions for which treatment is outside the scope of knowledge of the licensed physical therapist;
            8. evaluating or treating patients in a manner not consistent with K.S.A. 2011 Supp. 65-2921 and amendments thereto; and
            9. knowingly submitting any misleading, deceptive, untrue or fraudulent misrepresentation on a claim form, bill or statement.

            History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 12; L. 1965, ch. 369, § 6; L. 1973, ch. 253, § 10; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 11; L. 1984, ch. 313,§ 125; L. 1986, ch. 234, § 7; L. 1988, ch. 246, § 20; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 9; L. 2004, ch. 61, § 2; L. 2007, ch. 177, § 20; L. 2010, ch. 17, § 141; July 1.

            65-2913. Representation as physical therapist or physical therapist assistant; prohibitions; exceptions; construction of act.

            1. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not licensed under article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, as a physical therapist or whose license has been suspended or revoked in any manner to represent oneself as a physical therapist or to use in connection with such person's name the words physical therapist, physiotherapist, licensed physical therapist or doctor of physical therapy or use the abbreviations P.T., Ph. T., M.P.T., D.P.T. or L.P.T., or any other letters, words, abbreviations or insignia, indicating or implying that such person is a physical therapist. A violation of this subsection shall constitute a class B nonperson misdemeanor. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit physical therapists licensed under K.S.A. 2011 Supp. 65-2906 and 65-2909, and amendments thereto, from listing or using in conjunction with their name any letters, words, abbreviations or other insignia to designate any educational degrees, certifications or credentials recognized by the board which such licensee has earned. Each licensee when using the letters or term "Dr." or "Doctor" in conjunction with such licensee's professional practice, whether in any written or oral communication, shall identify oneself as a "physical therapist" or "doctor of physical therapy."
            2. Any person who, in any manner, represents oneself as a physical therapist assistant, or who uses in connection with such person's name the words or letters physical therapist assistant, certified physical therapist assistant, P.T.A., C.P.T.A. or P.T. Asst., or any other letters, words, abbreviations or insignia, indicating or implying that such person is a physical therapist assistant, without a valid existing certificate as a physical therapist assistant issued to such person pursuant to article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, shall be guilty of a class B nonperson misdemeanor. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit physical therapist assistants certified under K.S.A. 2011 Supp. 65-2906 and 65-2909, and amendments thereto, from listing or using in conjunction with their name any letters, words, abbreviations or other insignia to designate any educational degrees, certifications or credentials which such physical therapist assistant has earned.
            3. Nothing in this act is intended to limit, preclude or otherwise interfere with the practices of other health care providers formally trained and practicing their profession. The provisions of article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, shall not apply to the following individuals so long as they do not hold themselves out in a manner prohibited under subsection (a) or (b) of this section:
              1. Persons rendering assistance in the case of an emergency;
              2. members of any church practicing their religious tenets;
              3. persons whose services are performed pursuant to the delegation of and under the supervision of a physical therapist who is licensed under this act;
              4. health care providers in the United States armed forces, public health services, federal facilities and coast guard or other military service when acting in the line of duty in this state;
              5. licensees under the healing arts act, and practicing their professions, when licensed and practicing in accordance with the provisions of law or persons performing services pursuant to the delegation of a licensee under subsection (g) of K.S.A. 65-2872, and amendments thereto;
              6. dentists practicing their professions, when licensed and practicing in accordance with the provisions of law;
              7. nurses practicing their professions, when licensed and practicing in accordance with the provisions of law or persons performing services pursuant to the delegation of a licensed nurse under subsection (m) of K.S.A. 65-1124, and amendments thereto;
              8. health care providers who have been formally trained and are practicing in accordance with their training or have received specific training in one or more functions included in this act pursuant to established educational protocols or both;
              9. students while in actual attendance in an accredited health care educational program and under the supervision of a qualified instructor;
              10. self-care by a patient or gratuitous care by a friend or family member;
              11. optometrists practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the provisions of article 15 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto;
              12. podiatrists practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the provisions of article 20 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto;
              13. occupational therapists practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the occupational therapy practice act and occupational therapy assistants practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the occupational therapy practice act;
              14. respiratory therapists practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the respiratory therapy practice act;
              15. physician assistants practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the physician assistant licensure act;
              16. persons practicing corrective therapy in accordance with their training in corrective therapy;
              17. athletic trainers practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the athletic trainers licensure act;
              18. persons who massage for the purpose of relaxation, muscle conditioning or figure improvement, so long as no drugs are used and such persons do not hold themselves out to be physicians or healers;
              19. barbers practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the provisions of article 18 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto;
              20. cosmetologists practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the provisions of article 19 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto;
              21. attendants practicing their profession when certified and practicing in accordance with the provisions of article 61 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto; and
              22. naturopathic doctors practicing their profession when licensed and practicing in accordance with the naturopathic doctor licensure act.

              History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 13; L. 1973, ch. 253, § 11; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 12; L. 1994, ch. 134, § 2; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 10; L. 2004, ch. 24, § 12; L. 2010, ch. 126, § 17; L. 2011, ch. 114, § 20; July 1.

              65-2914. Fraud or deception in application for license; scope of authorized treatment.

              1. No person shall employ fraud or deception in applying for or securing a license as a physical therapist.
              2. A person licensed under this act as a physical therapist shall not treat ailments or other health conditions of human beings other than by physical therapy unless duly licensed or registered to provide such treatment under the laws of this state.
              3. A person certified under this act as a physical therapist assistant shall not treat ailments or other health conditions of human beings except under the direction of a physical therapist duly licensed under this act. The word "direction" as used in this subsection (c) shall mean that the physical therapist shall see all patients initially and evaluate them periodically except in those cases in a hospital setting when the physical therapist is not immediately available, the physical therapist assistant may initiate patient care after telephone contact with the physical therapist for documented instruction. The physical therapist must then evaluate the patient and establish a plan of treatment as soon as possible with a minimum weekly review.
              4. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor.

              History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 14; L. 1973, ch. 253, § 12; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 13; L. 1990, ch. 228, § 1; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 11; Apr. 1, 2004.

              History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 15; L. 1983, ch. 215, § 14; Repealed, L. 2003, ch. 128, § 30; April 1, 2004.

              65-2916. Penalties for violations of act; injunctive relief.

              1. Any violation of the provisions of this act shall constitute a class B misdemeanor.
              2. When it appears to the board that any person is violating any of the provisions of article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated and acts amendatory of the provisions thereof or supplemental thereto, the board may bring an action in the name of the state in a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction against such violation without regard to whether proceedings have been or may be instituted before the board or whether criminal proceedings have been or may be instituted.
              3. The board, in addition to any other penalty prescribed under the provisions of article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated and acts amendatory of the provisions thereof or supplemental thereto, may assess a civil fine, after proper notice and an opportunity to be heard, against a licensee for a violation of the provisions of article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated and acts amendatory of the provisions thereof or supplemental thereto in an amount not to exceed $5,000 for the first violation, $10,000 for the second violation and $15,000 for the third violation and for each subsequent violation. All fines assessed and collected under this section shall be remitted to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of the state general fund.

              History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 16; L. 1973, ch. 253,§ 13; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 12; Apr. 1, 2004.

              65-2917. Invalidity of part.

              If any provisions of this act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are declared to be severable.

              History: L. 1963, ch. 318, § 17; June 30.

              65-2918. Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants practicing in accordance with law not subject to healing arts act.

              Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants practicing their profession, when licensed or certified and practicing under and in accordance with the provisions of article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and acts amendatory of the provisions thereof or supplemental thereto, shall not be construed to be practicing the healing arts or be subject to the healing arts act.

              History: L. 1983, ch. 215, § 15; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 13; Apr. 1, 2004.

              65-2919. Person holding registration as physical therapist deemed to be licensed physical therapist.

              Any person holding a valid registration as a physical therapist immediately prior to the effective date of this act which has been issued by the board shall be deemed to be a licensed physical therapist for the purposes of this act and article 29 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated and acts amendatory of the provisions thereof or supplemental thereto and shall be subject to the provisions of this act and the provisions of such article and chapter of the Kansas Statutes Annotated and acts amendatory of the provisions thereof or supplemental thereto.

              History: L. 1983, ch. 215, § 16; L. 2003, ch. 128, § 14; Apr. 1, 2004.

              65-2920. Professional liability insurance coverage required as condition to practice physical therapy.

              Professional liability insurance coverage shall be maintained in effect by each licensed physical therapist actively practicing in this state as a condition to rendering professional services as a physical therapist in this state. The board shall fix by rules and regulations the minimum level of coverage for such professional liability insurance.

              History: L. 2003, ch. 128, § 29; L. 2004, ch. 117, § 25; July 1.

              65-2921. Evaluation and treatment by physical therapists; when referral is required; exceptions.

              1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d), a physical therapist may evaluate and initiate physical therapy treatment on a patient without referral from a licensed health care Practitioner. If treating a patient without a referral from a licensed health care Practitioner and the patient is not progressing toward documented treatment goals as demonstrated by objective, measurable or functional improvement, or any combination thereof, after 10 patient visits or in a period of 15 business days from the initial treatment visits following the initial evaluation visit, the physical therapist shall obtain a referral from an appropriate licensed health care Practitioner prior to continuing treatment.
              2. Physical therapists may provide, without a referral, services to:
                1. Employees solely for the purpose of education and instruction related to workplace injury prevention; or
                2. the public for the purpose of fitness, health promotion and education.

                History: L. 2007, ch. 177, § 21; L. 2013, ch. 4, § 1; July 1.

                65-2922. Title of the act.

                The provisions of K.S.A. 65-2901 through 65-2921, and amendments thereto, shall be known and may be cited as the physical therapy practice act.

                History: L. 2007, ch. 177, § 22; May 17.

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