United Nations Security Council Consolidated List

The Consolidated List includes all individuals and entities subject to measures imposed by the Security Council. The inclusion of all names on one Consolidated List is to facilitate the implementation of the measures, and neither implies that all names are listed under one regime, nor that the criteria for listing specific names are the same. For each instance where the Security Council has decided to impose measures in response to a threat, a Security Council Committee manages the sanctions regime. Each sanctions committee established by the United Nations Security Council therefore publishes the names of individuals and entities listed in relation to that committee as well as information concerning the specific measures that apply to each listed name.

The current version of the Consolidated List is provided in .xml, .html and .pdf formats. Member States are obliged to implement the measures specific to each listed name as specified on the websites of the related sanctions committee.

For all comments and questions concerning all sanctions lists, including the United Nations Consolidated List, kindly contact the Secretariat via the email address: sc-sanctionslists@un.org.

Composition of the List

The Consolidated List consists of two sections, specified below:

  1. Individuals (669 individuals)
  2. Entities and other groups (193 entities)

Individuals are listed alphabetically by their names as it appears in Latin script. Entities are also arranged in alphabetical order. Narrative summaries of reasons for listing, where available, can also be found on the respective Committees’ webpage. Members States are strongly encouraged, wherever possible, to submit to the concerned Committee, through their Permanent Missions to the United Nations in New York, any relevant information not currently included on the Sanctions Lists.

The Consolidated Sanctions List maintained on this website was last updated on 23 August 2024, and supersedes all previous versions. A press release is issued after all changes to the respective sanctions list and is posted in the "Press releases" section of the concerned Committee.

Identifiers and acronyms in the list

The Consolidated Sanctions List has several identifying fields. Where information is lacking, the letters "na" (not available) denote that the Committee has not yet been able to obtain it. Explanations of the fields are provided below.


Permanent reference number: indicate which sanctions regime concerns respective names, for example, permanent reference numbers starting with “QD” refer to the Al-Qaida Sanctions regime whereas permanent reference numbers starting with CF refer to names listed under the Security Council sanctions regime concerning the Central African Republic. The following letter “i” refers to individuals and “e” to entities (kindly see the table below).

Referencing System for Individuals


Permanent reference number. Similar to the reference system for individuals (see table below):

Referencing System for Entities

Mailing list Subscription

Please send your request to subscribe to sc-sanctionslists@un.org